Goals-Based Planning
and Investments
Customizing your investment strategies to achieve your planning objectives.
The Core Capital Approach
General rules for investing with highly-customized and clearly defined portfolio parameters:
Understanding the goals and objectives you have for your money
Portfolio construction around risk, tax assumption, and distribution strategy
Actively building a financial plan based on individuals goals, risk tolerance and time horizon
Market Hedge with non-correlating asset classes
Review your portfolio objectives are constantly in alignment with your goals, timeline, and financial plan
Continuously monitoring the market to help ensure your strategy is still properly aligned with your financial objectives
Identify consistency of managers performance
Track managers and teams as they move fund companies
Investment Analysis
Providing multiple perspective analysis on portfolio assets:
Morningstar X-ray tool to evaluate your portfolio's allocation and sector weighting
Uncover concentrated positions
360 Evaluator by Blackrock
Real-time stress test reports against market shocks
Scenario test your portfolio with a 30 point market driven assumptions
Tax Evaluator analysis on your portfolio
Customized Portfolio Structure
Customizing your investment structure to promote your investment, financial, and estate planning objectives:
Wealth Management Services, Scenario Tester, MM Trust, and Hedging Desk
In-office or virtual portfolio reviews
Customized approach to manage your portfolios:
Diversification strategies using customized investment models
Tax-managed asset allocations
Portfolio rebalancing
Portfolio stress-testing toward your financial plan
Access to separately managed account managers for highly customized portfolio composition
Tax planning strategies, such as tax-loss harvesting
Fee-based asset management
Access to third-party money managers for additional personalize investing
Source: Advisys, Inc. 2022