Goals-Based Planning
and Investments

Customizing your investment strategies to achieve your planning objectives.

The Core Capital Approach

General rules for investing with highly-customized and clearly defined portfolio parameters:

  • Understanding the goals and objectives you have for your money

  • Portfolio construction around risk, tax assumption, and distribution strategy

  • Actively building a financial plan based on individuals goals, risk tolerance and time horizon

  • Market Hedge with non-correlating asset classes

  • Review your portfolio objectives are constantly in alignment with your goals, timeline, and financial plan

  • Continuously monitoring the market to help ensure your strategy is still properly aligned with your financial objectives

  • Identify consistency of managers performance

  • Track managers and teams as they move fund companies

Investment Analysis

Providing multiple perspective analysis on portfolio assets:

  • Morningstar X-ray tool to evaluate your portfolio's allocation and sector weighting

  • Uncover concentrated positions

  • 360 Evaluator by Blackrock

  • Real-time stress test reports against market shocks

  • Scenario test your portfolio with a 30 point market driven assumptions

  • Tax Evaluator analysis on your portfolio

Customized Portfolio Structure


Customizing your investment structure to promote your investment, financial, and estate planning objectives:

  • Wealth Management Services, Scenario Tester, MM Trust, and Hedging Desk

  • In-office or virtual portfolio reviews

Customized approach to manage your portfolios:

  • Diversification strategies using customized investment models

  • Tax-managed asset allocations

  • Portfolio rebalancing

  • Portfolio stress-testing toward your financial plan

  • Access to separately managed account managers for highly customized portfolio composition

  • Tax planning strategies, such as tax-loss harvesting

  • Fee-based asset management

  • Access to third-party money managers for additional personalize investing

Source: Advisys, Inc. 2022